Guides for children and adults with disabilities.
Children and adults with disabilities often need various types of support in their everyday lives. This could include support in accordance with the Swedish Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments and the Swedish Social Services Act (respite for carers, personal assistance, accommodation, etc.), medical aids (wheelchairs, ramps, timers, etc.), housing adaptations, care allowances, mobility services or medical care initiatives.
It can often be hard to know which authority to get in touch with, and so guides for children and adults with disabilities are available for people living in Gothenburg Municipality. We offer:
Information and guidance about the support available in society for children and adults with disabilities.
Guidance to find the right authority.
If you phone us, we will answer in Swedish. If you book an appointment with us, we will arrange an interpreter if you need one. If you e-mail us in a language other than Swedish, it may take longer to receive a reply as we will need to get it translated. If necessary, we can arrange interpretation by telephone.
Contact us
Telephone: 031- 367 98 08