Till sidans huvudinnehåll

This is Swedish for Immigrants, SFI

Swedish for Immigrants, sfi, is a basic education in Swedish for you who are not a native Swedish speaker. You learn how to speak, read and write in Swedish and you get to know about Swedish society. When you have finished your course you get a grade. Sfi is free of charge.

Who can study sfi?

You can begin your studies:

  • From July 1st of the year you turn 20 years old.
  • If you lack fundamental skills in Swedish.
  • If you live are resident of Gothenburg or have an approved permission to study in Gothenburg from your home municipality.

Which courses exist?

Sfi has three paths of study: Paths 1, 2 and 3. At the National Agency for Education (governmental authority) you can find the sfi curriculum in several languages.

Study path 1

This path is for you who have little or no time in school and who cannot read and write well in your native language.

It is also for you who don’t know how to read the Latin alphabet.

Study path 1 includes courses A, B, C and D.

Study path 2

This path is for you who can read and write in your native language and how have finished primary school in your native country.

Study path 2 includes courses B, C and D.

Study path 3

This path is for you who have finished school and secondary level in your native country, who have studied a foreign language and are well familiar with studying.

Study path 3 includes courses C and D.

At which level shall I begin studying?

Depending on previous education and your personal situation your will be sorted into one of the paths mentions above.

For how long do I study sfi?

The amount of time is individual. It depends on your educational background, previous skills in Swedish, your study path (as described above) and your personal preconditions for passing your learning the new language.

Different ways to study sfi

Sfi is an education where you can combine work, internship and other courses. You can find more information about different ways to study sfi at Different ways to study sfi.

Grades in sfi

There are two grades: Passed and Failed.

Each finished course is being graded.

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Arbetsmarknad och vuxenutbildning
402 29 Göteborg
