Initiators and letters of support
Gothenburg's application started as an initiative from a number of literary actors, who in the spring of 2019 wanted to motivate the City of Gothenburg to prepare an application. Following decisions by the City Executive Board, the work started. Many actors have been involved in the work, which can be seen in Gothenburg's application and the Letters of Support.
Read more about some of the initiators:
- Writers’ Centre West
- Gothenburg Book Fair
- Swedish PEN
- Swedish Writers’ Union
- Gothenburg Poetry Slam
- Nätverkstan a Cultural and Civil Society organisation
- Academy of Art and Design (HDK-Valand), University of Gothenburg
- Folkuniversitetet Göteborg — an adult educational association
- The Swedish Publishers’ Association
Letters of support
Read all letters of support here
- Svenska PEN
- Sveriges Författarförbund
- Chefsnätverket för internationella bokmässor
- Svensk biblioteksförening
- Västsvenska handelskammaren
- Göteborg & Co
- Business Region Göteborg
- Masthuggskajens konsortium
- Författarcentrum Väst
- Göteborgs Bokmässa
- Göteborgs Litteraturhus
- Angereds bokmässa
- Poesiwerken