A father reads a book to his child. Photographer Lo Birgersson

The City Where We Read to Our Children

The City Where We Read to Our Children is a community-wide effort in Gothenburg that began in 2015. The purpose of the effort is to promote the development of language and reading in children early on in life, and it is a part of the City of Gothenburg’s work in creating a more equal city.

Gothenburg’s work in creating a more equal city. The work involves raising awareness and increasing the knowledge of the importance of reading aloud. The goal is to increase children’s vocabulary, their love of reading, and their reading skills. Research shows that reading daily affects children's verbal abilities, their school readiness and their performance in school.

Children who are read to early on in life therefore have a more solid foundation to stand on compared to children who are not read to. Taking action early on in a child’s life will have a profound effect both for the child here and now, but also for the entire society. All efforts that promote early speech development in children are investments. Both for the individual child and for society as a whole.