Welcome to Angeredsgymnasiet

Angeredsgymnasiet is proven to be the best at helping you surpass yourself. We who work here see and support every student. We put in more energy, more activities, and bigger hearts than anyone else. Additionally, we work hard to connect you with companies and mentors who open doors for your future. In short: with us, you get the power, knowledge, and contacts you need to take yourself to the next level.

Well-being and Safety in School

We want you to feel comfortable and safe at school, as it increases your chances of achieving good academic results. At school, there are several staff categories that work solely with students’ health and well-being.

We have school nurses, doctors, counselors, career advisors, and recreation leaders. Together, they work in various ways to ensure you feel good and find motivation in your studies.

To ensure the school is a safe environment for our students and staff, all our entrances and corridors are monitored by cameras around the clock. All recorded material is stored for up to 30 days after recording.

Homework Help in the Knowledge Portal

The Knowledge Portal is a study workshop where trained educators are available to help you with your current educational needs. The Knowledge Portal is located in the middle of the school and is open almost all day.

Extra Adult Support if You Need It

GPS (Guide at School) is extra adult support that you can request or be recommended to. The guide’s task is to help you formulate short, achievable goals, making it easier for you to see successes in your schoolwork. The ambition is to continuously move forward with small steps, so you eventually reach the big goal of your time in high school – to complete your education as successfully as possible.

Adapted Schooling via Learning Center

At Learning Center Angered, those in need of extra adaptations can study the college preparatory programs SA, NA, EK. Those eligible for the program-oriented choice with a focus on SA, EK, and NA (and those studying an individual alternative with a study plan that includes several high school courses) can also study at the Learning Center.

We Help You Become Eligible

If you lack some grades from middle school, perhaps several, you need to improve them to become eligible for a national program. Angeredsgymnasiet offers several different introductory programs. We also have the right methods for those who need to improve their Swedish language skills.