Social affairs

Gothenburg European Office monitors the European initiatives in the area of social affairs. Read more about our work below.

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Gothenburg has a long term strategy  to enhance equality, the City of Gothenburg program for an Equal City 2018-2026. The program aims at breaking the traditional silos in the city to create better possibilities to reach out to all citizens and especially the groups at risk of not being able to participate fully in society.  This long-term strategy includes an action plan to reduce disparities in living conditions and health in Gothenburg and ensure a social sustainable development.

Due to its relevance within the European Pillar of Social Rights, Gothenburg European Office promotes these actions through seminars in Brussels and sets up meetings for knowledge exchanges with other European cities and actors with similar challenges as Gothenburg. The issues vary, such as life long learning, integration of asylum seekers and refugees, inclusion of the Roma population, social housing, equality and equal rights etc.

 On the European level, Gothenburg European Office is continuously working for:

  • Fair distribution of the migration flow between member states.
  • A clear local influence on integration measures with EU financial support.
  • Cities importance for the delivery of result within the Social pillar.
  • Inclusion of the Roma population.
  • Social innovation and social experimentation with a long term goal.
  • Knowledge exchange between local actors in the field of integration, as well as preventing radicalisation and violent extremism.
  • The importance of involving cities in gender equality actions and knowledge exchange between actors to combat honour related violence and oppression.

Current initiatives monitored

  • Future funding opportunities within the structural funds and other funding programs
  • Networks and exchange opportunities  

Interested in Gothenburg's positions? Read more here: Gothenburg's position —  Social Affairs

Illustration of people in a parkIllustration of people in a parkIllustration of people in a park