Information in English
Couples and families who wish to improve their relationships, or to separate, can turn to Göteborgs Stads Family Counselling for help and support.
Our family counselors
- are trained therapists and specialised in couples and families
- are bound by professional confidentiality
- do not keep records
- allow you to remain anonymous if you prefer
- work with interpreters when necessary.
The fee for one session is 408 kr per couple.
It is possible to apply for exemption from charges. Please contact us for more information.
Cansellations later than 12 pm on the day before your appointment will be fully charged (408kr).
If you have been approved for exemption from charges and cansel your meeting after the above or miss out you will be charged 100 kr.
If you wish to apply for Family Counselling, please click on the link below and make a digital application. Log in with your e-ID.
For questions and more information about waitinglist etc. you can call our telephone service and speak directly with a family counselor.