Till sidans huvudinnehåll

The Establishment Unit

The Establishment Unit is a social service for those who are newly arrived refugees in Gothenburg. We offer individually support and guidance. We also provide financial assistance for those who participate in the establishment program.

The Establishment Unit provides support for new arrivals to help them settle and become more independent. Our focus is on newly arrived refugees in Gothenburg who have been granted a residence permit in the last two years, and who are taking part in the establishment programme run by the Public Employment Service. We ensure that as an individual or a family you receive the support you are entitled to. We also provide information, advice, and support to other refugee reception and settlement organisations.

Can I contact the Establishment Unit?

The Establishment Unit provides support during the establishment period for:

  • newly arrived refugees in Gothenburg who
  • are aged between 20 and 65 years, and who
    have been granted a residence permit in the last two years
  • youth who have turned 18 years of age but not yet 20 when they applied for asylum, are missing parents in Sweden and who attend high school and have been granted a residence permit in the last two years.
  • We also focus on family connections – relatives of refugees up to 65 years of age who have been granted a residence permit.

If you are a newly arrived refugee, or have a family connection to a refugee, you can contact the Establishment Unit. You are advised to first register with the Public Employment Service.

What can the Establishment Unit do for me?

We mainly:

  • investigate and decide on supplementary financial support.
  • cooperate with the Public Employment Service, primary care sector, and other organisations to ensure you receive any physical or mental rehabilitation you may require.
  • highlight the needs of newly arrived children and young people and ensure those needs are satisfied. This could involve children beginning preschool/school as soon as possible or receiving help in their contact with the healthcare system.
  • receive individuals with a residence permit who have been listed by the Migration Agency for settlement in Gothenburg, including quota refugees.
  • receive newly arrived individuals who have recently entered Sweden based on a family connection to someone who came as an unaccompanied minor and who is now living in Gothenburg. The aim is to take the pressure off the unaccompanied minor and establish contact between the family and the authorities to help them establish in the Swedish society.
  • follow you/your family during the first year after you have been granted a residence permit and provide you with support in everything from contact with the authorities to recreation and leisure activities.

Contact the establishment unit

If you have any thoughts or questions about support for new arrivals with a residence permit, you can contact the Establishment Unit.


Telefon och e-post

031-365 00 00 (Göteborgs Stads kontaktcenter)

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Andra Långgatan 19

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Box 5293
402 25 Göteborg
