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Information for people arriving from Ukraine

On this page you find links to information regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine from other authorities. Several links contains information in other languages as well, among them Ukranian and Russian.

Information regarding the current situation in Ukraine

Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) Here you will find information addressing the concerns of private individuals vis-à-vis the current security situation. There is also advice for public authorities and businesses as well as information about measures taken by MSB.

On the webpage krisinformation.se, The war in Ukraine you will find information from Swedish public authorities about what we currently know. There are also tips regarding what you can do to manage your concerns.

Infor­ma­tion for persons arriving to Sweden from Ukraine

The security situation in Ukraine has deteriorated severely following Russia’s invasion, and many people are now leaving Ukraine and entering neighbouring countries in Europe. On this page we have gathered information about the situation in Ukraine and what applies to people who are coming to Sweden in connection with the conflict. The page is constantly updated.

Information for persons arriving to Sweden from Ukraine - Swedish Migration Agency (migrationsverket.se)

Для біженців з України - informationssverige.se 
(Du som flytt från kriget i Ukraina, ukrainska)

Информация для лиц, спасающихся от войны в Украине, informationssverige.se (Du som flytt från kriget i Ukraina, ryska)

Beware of trafficking

Keep in mind that people may want to take advantage of your situation. Please pay attention to the risks of human trafficking. The Swedish Gender Equality Agency has information to refugees from Ukraine in both Ukraine and English.

Pets from Ukraine

If you are going to bring pets to Sweden, there are rules you must follow. The rules exist to prevent the spread of diseases, especially rabies. However, force majeure exceptions apply to pets who enter Sweden from Ukraine together with their owners. Necessary infection control measures will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. When pet owners arrive at the border, they must report the animals to the customs staff. If an animal from Ukraine is in Sweden without having been checked by customs personnel at the border, the animal must be taken to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Bringing a dog, cat or ferret to Sweden – both travel and trade

Ввезення собак та інших тварин з України до Швеції, Ukrainian

Ввоз собак и других животных из Украины в Швецию, Russian

Information about health care in Sweden

Region Västra Götaland has information on health care in Sweden, translated to English, Russian and Ukrainian.

Right to healthcare (vgregion.se) 
(Rätt till vård, engelska)

Право на медичну допомогу (vgregion.se) 
(Rätt till vård, ukrainska)

Право на медицинскую помощь (vgregion.se) 
(Rätt till vård, ryska)

Where should I go to receive healthcare? (vgregion.se) 
(Var ska jag söka vård, engelska)

Куди звертатися за медичною допомогою? (vgregion.se) 
(Var ska jag söka vård, ukrainska)

Куда мне обращаться за медицинской помощью? (vgregion.se) 
(Var ska jag söka vård, ryska)

Information about the healthcare-system in Sweden: English - 1177 Vårdguiden

About the Swedish school and preschool for new arrivals

This is the Swedish school system - utbildningsguiden.se

Дошкільний заклад відкритого типу у місті Гетеборг 
(Welcome to open preschool in the City of Gothenburg, Välkommen till öppna förskolan)

The Swedish public employment service

Did you move to Sweden because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Here is information for those looking for a job in Sweden.

Ви прибули з України та шукаєте роботу? 
(Om arbetsförmedlingen på ukrainska)

How to speak to children about the war

On krisinformation.se you can find information about how to speak to children about the war in Ukraine. Worrying About War: Questions and answers for children - Krisinformation.se.

Source criticism

Information about source criticism in English can be found at Source criticism - Krisinformation.se and at It's important to evaluate the sources of information, Informationsverige.se. Informationsverige.se has the same information in several languages, among them Russian, Arabic and Somali.

Emergency warning

More information about the Emergency warning from Swedish Authorities Emergency warning - Krisinformation.se

Contact City of Gothenburg

Contact City of Gothenburg if you have questions about handling worry.


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