Apply to SFI - the first time in Gothenburg
Click the blue button to make an appointment. You will be forwarded to a site outside of
When you have made an appointment, you will get a booking confirmation via e-mail and text message. This will also include the location of the meeting.
If you cannot come to the booked meeting, you will need to cancel and make a new appointment.
Legal protection of anonymity (skyddad identitet)
You who have legal protection of anonymity (skyddad identitet) should not apply here. Contact Labour Market and Adult Education to make your application.
You can reach us at or by phone: 031-368 30 00
Information about the meeting
At the meeting, you will receive group information about SFI and what it is like to study SFI in Gothenburg. It will be in the language you have chosen.
If you cannot find any information meeting in a language that you understand, or if you need a sign language interpreter, contact us at or by phone on 031-368 30 00.
After the meeting, you will get a private consultation with a pedagogue and an interpreter if needed. We will ask you about your previous education, work and set goals.
It is important that you tell us if you need any special accommodations to complete your studies. For instance, this could be a hearing or visual impairment.
For the meeting, you must bring:
- You must bring a Swedish ID.
- If you participate in the Introduction Program of the Swedish Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingens etableringsprogram), please bring the document showing that.
- If you have completed or partly completed SFI studies elsewhere, please bring your grades.
- Your UT-card given to you by the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket), or
- The decision of your permanent residence (permanent uppehållstillstånd) from the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) along with your passport/national ID card.
- employment contract
- registration of your own company
- certificate of studies
- documents proving that a family member (spouse, parent or child) is a resident in Sweden
- documents proving your address
Refugee from Ukraine
Ukrainian refugees who are in Sweden under The Temporary Protection Directive are entitled to study SFI. Follow these steps to apply for SFI in Gothenburg.
Choose “Information meeting in Ukrainian” (ukrainska) and find a suitable time. Do not write your personal identity number (personnummer), instead give us your Coordination Number (samordningsnummer). If you have not received a Coordination Number contact us and we will help you.
When you come to the information meeting please bring the following:
EU citizens without a social security number
If you are are an EU citizen living in Gothenburg and do not have a social security number, you can apply for municipal adult education by visiting Arbetsmarknad och vuxenutbildning at Brogatan 4.
You need to bring a valid passport or national ID card that proves your nationality.
You also need to bring documents proving that you can be considered resident in the country, for example copies of:
Kontakta arbetsmarknad och vuxenutbildning
Har du synpunkter eller frågor om vuxenutbildning så kan du kontakta arbetsmarknad och vuxenutbildning.
Brogatan 4
Arbetsmarknad och vuxenutbildning
402 29 Göteborg