Below you will find information regarding the start and end of the school year, breaks, as well as the date for graduation of the seniors.
Fall Term 2024
9 August: Teachers start
19 August: First day of school for yr 1 students
20 August: First day of school for IB11 students (IB23abc)
21 August: First day of school for NA23/SA23, NA22/SA22, IB22abc
22 August: Regular schedule begins
4 September: Garden Party and Parent meeting for yr 1+IB11 students and guardians
10 September: Program Day
3 October: Inservice Day
8-10 October: High School Fair
22 October: Open House 17:00-19:00
26 Oct-3 Nov: Fall break (week 44)
5 December: Open House 17:00-19:00
10 December: Nobel Dinner for the NA-students
20 December: Last day of school before the winter break
Spring Term 2025
7 January: Inservice Day
8 January: First school day after the break
15 January: Open house 17:00-19:00
10-14 February: Sport's Break
20 February: Core Values/Career Day in the morning, inservice day in the afternoon
26 February: Entrance Exams for IB and Pace Programs
12 March: Developmental Talks
31 March: Inservice Day
12-21 April: Easter Break
28 April-21 May: IB Final Exams
1 May: Bank Holiday
5 May: Mock Exams (may be subject to change)
16 May: IH Games
29-30 May: Ascension Day, no school
5 June: Graduation yr 3
6 June: National Bank Holiday
11 June: Last day of school for yr 1+2