AIR Literature recipients from several UNESCO citites of literature
Publicerad 15 november 2023
AIR Literature Västra Götaland is a residency programme for writers and translators from all over the world. The purpose is to create time and space for artistic development by offering residencies at several locations throughout the Västra Götaland County.
The residencies are made possible through grants, and they focus on artistic exploration and on providing opportunities for inspiration and further development. The residencies should also be shaped by the conditions of the location and the wishes of the host.
At the end of 2021, Gothenburg was named Unesco City of Literature and Västra Götaland region is one of the main parties. AIR Literature is a good example that goes in line with Unesco's work, and several of this year's recipients come from other UNESCO cities of literature.
The following UNESCO cities of literature are represented:
Barcelona, Edinburgh, Göteborg, Lviv, Tartu, Vilnius
During the autumn of 2023, 14 writers will work during month-long residencies, around Västra Götaland.
Read more about this year's recipients