Transhälsokonferens 2024
Lördag 14 december Kl. 09:00–18:00
Transhälsoplattformen presenterar den andra årliga konferensen med fokus på transpersoners hälsa. Här möter du experter, aktivister och många andra för att diskutera transpersonerliv och hälsa.
OBS! Föranmälan via länk nedan.
Programmet är på engelska.
Transhälsoplattformen presents the second annual national conference dedicated to trans health.
We are bringing together experts, activists and the community to discuss and plan for improving our health and our lives! We invite you to come and participate in fruitful conversations, create community and figure out ways to improve the Swedish healthcare system.
For whom?
Whether you are trans, non-binary, ally, health professional or member of an organization that stands for our rights, this conference is for you! Let's get together, share knowledge and build strategies for the social change we want to see.
This year’s event will be a full day of engaging panels, lectures, and workshops, designed to unite the trans and non-binary community, organizations, and healthcare providers towards self-determination. We gather as individuals and groups from across the country to find strength, hope, and solidarity.
Facing reduced government support for public care and the rising tide of transphobia, often fueled by public institutions and media spreading fear, we aim to create a space for listening, learning, and collective action.
Lördag 14 december Kl. 09:00–18:00
Plats och kontaktuppgifter
- Arrangör
- Kulturhuset Blå Stället
- Plats
- Angereds Torg 13
- Telefon
- 031-365 17 00
- Kontaktperson
- Madelen Lundin