Opening hours and contact details
Here you will find information about the park's opening hours and how to get in touch with us.
You can visit Jubileumsparken all year around, but during the summer season (June-August) most activities take place in the park. All activities are free of charge.
During 2023 the summer activities (canoeing, sailing, bathe/swimming) take place from 2 June to 8 October. After that the Harbour Bath will be open for winter bathing. For information about opening hours, see page "Bada".
In addition to the water activities the park area is open, for example for play in the excursion playground and the outdoor classroom.
For current information about activities and events in the park, see Jubileumsparken on facebook and instagram.
Contact details
If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to report a fault, please contact us at phone number +46 79-016 95 92 or e-mail