In English
Jubileumsparken in Frihamnen is the result of the Gothenburg citizens' wishes for green areas and getting closer to the river for the city's 400th anniversary and the construction of Älvstaden. It is a meeting place for all, where the city embraces the water.
Since 2014, prototypes such as two baths and a sauna have been built in Frihamnen together with the Gothenburg citizens, at the site of the park.
During 2020, we started preparations for constructing the permanent park. The first phase, with an excursion playground, was completed and opend in August 2022.
On June 2, 2023 during the Gothenburg’s Anniversary Festival, celebrating 400 years of Gothenburg, the new harbor bath opend with three pools – two seawater (salt water) and one fresh water.
The prototype sauna has been rebuilt for permanent use and in Auguts 2024 it opened and was inaugurated. The sauna was the last part of the first phase of the developement of Jubileumsparken.