Credit rating

The City of Gothenburg has a good credit rating with a stable Outlook which gives us access to loan financing, and at a low price compared to an actor with a poor rating or no credit rating at all. At the bottom of the page you will find the latest released calendar for rating reports.

Credit rating  to gain full access to the capital market

The City of Gothenburg allows external credit rating agencies to perform credit ratings of the municipality’s overall economy. The credit rating is made in order to gain full access to the capital market, where a significant portion of the municipality’s borrowing takes place. A high credit rating gives better access to financing and a better price for loan financing, than having a low credit rating or no credit rating at all.

The city's credit rating AA + with stable Outlook

6 September 2024, S&P Global Rating (Standard & Poor´s) affirmed the city’s rating, AA+ with stable outlook. City of Gothenburgs rating has been unchanged since 2007. The credit rating is updated semi-annually, in March and September, with report published only in March.