Energy, climate and environment

Gothenburg European Office monitors the European initiatives in the area of energy, climate and environment. Read more about our work below.

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Sun, wind and water give Gothenburg sustainable energy. The city has one of the most well-developed district heating systems in the world and we work with innovative energy solutions for the future energy system. Additionally, Gothenburg is an active partner in the European Urban Agenda partnership on energy transition. Gothenburg’s ambitious climate plan aims at making the city a leader in the area and striving to meet the goal of being climate neutral by 2030. 

In the area of environment, the quality of water, air quality, noise pollution, circular economy and waste management are key EU-interest for Gothenburg. Cities have a crucial role in the transformation to a sustainable society.

On the European level, Gothenburg European Office is continuously working for:

  • Ambitious targets within energy, environment and climate legislation.
  • Cities to be included in the dialogue on sustainability at the European level.
  • EU policies to take into account local conditions.

Current initiatives monitored:

  • the Drinking Water Directive,
  • the Water Framework Directive,
  • the Air Quality Directives.
  • Future funding opportunities for sustainable and climate neutral cities.

Interested in Gothenburg's positions? Read more here: Gothenburg's position — Energy, Climate & Environment.

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