Official positions

On this page you can find information on Gothenburg's policy positions in the area of social affairs.

Cohesion policy

Gothenburg has teamed up with the cities of Stockholm, Malmö and Uppsala to call for a continued and strengthened focus on urban areas and sustainable urban development in the cohesion policy post 2020.  Sweden’s four major cities urges the institutions to strengthen the bottom up approach and ensure the implementation of the partnership principle to improve the strategic impact of structural funds. The involvement of the local/urban authorities is needed in the programming, execution as well as the execution of the funds.

(Sweden’s four major cities recommendations for amendments on the proposals for a Common Provisions Regulation; Regulation on the European Regional Development Fund; and Regulation on the European Social Fund+)

European Pillar for Social Rights

Eurocities launched a political initiative in early 2019 to show the cities’ contribution to a more cohesive and inclusive Europe starting from the local level. Gothenburg has signed a pledge to the EU Pillar of Social Rights, specifically a commitment to principle 1: “education, training and lifelong learning”.

Gothenburg pledges to give a good start in life to all children and lifelong learning at all ages to ensure everyone can achieve their full potential in education, work and well-being regardless of their socio-economic or other background. Read the full pledge here: Gothenburg's Pledge to the EU Pillar of Social Rights.

Gender Equality

The City of Gothenburg has adopted a gender equality plan 2019-2023,as well as a policy against domestic violence. Since November 2019, we have a specific plan to highlight the aspect of honour related violence and oppression. The acts ofhonour related violence and oppression is a question of gender equality as well as human- and children’s-rights. The EU shouldlay emphasis on honour related violence and oppression as an important aspect of gender equality and gender-based violence.

Don’t hesitate to contact us, if you are interested in knowing more details about our focus areas and policy recommendations. We would be happy to discuss them further in detail with you.